In this newsletter:
Why do we celebrate Christmas?
Ministry Developments
Family Updates
¡Hasta Luego!
WHY DO WE CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS? Immediately after Adam and Eve sinned, God promised to send a "redeemer" to save them from their sin (Genesis 3:15). God continued to promise a coming Redeemer throughout the Old Testament. Through his death and resurrection, this "savior" would pay the price to release all of mankind from the bondage of sin and restore us to a right relationship with God the Father. In the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), Jesus is revealed as the Redeemer and Savior of the world. Jesus left Heaven and came to the earth as fully God and fully man. He was eventually crucified for our sins even though he lived a sinless life. He took the guilt of our sins upon Himself and suffered the death that we deserve (2 Corinthians 5:21). This is how God showed His love for us -- by sending his own son to die for us (Rom. 5:8). Three days after His burial, Jesus rose to life and appeared to over 400 people before ascending to Heaven. In the Person of Jesus Christ, God Himself came to forgive our sins, bringing us redemption (Colossians 1:14).
Forgiveness of sin and eternal life in Heaven is only possible if you believe in Jesus as your savior. We encourage you to turn away from your old life and surrender your life to him and his ways. This is the only way of salvation. It is not earned: rather, it is a free gift from God (Eph. 2:8) -- the most important Christmas gift you'll ever receive. Whoever believes in Jesus shall not perish, but have eternal life (John 3:16).
MINISTRY IN MOTION. There is much to share about how God is moving us forward and providing resources and strategy. The Jaco Royals baseball program remains steady at 55-60 players (ages 5-16), comprised mostly of Nicaraguans (Nicas), some Costa Ricans (Ticos), and one U.S. player. Players are giving their lives to Christ, memorizing God's Word, and living like Jesus. We have 10-12 coaches every week. Our new baseball field is nearing completion. Several men from a nearby Christian recovery center called Casa de Amor have provided low cost labor. Please revisit our website if you haven't done so in awhile. We've updated it with new photos and descriptions of our current activities, especially our "Ministry" page.
By the grace of God and His timing, we are making inroads into the squatter communities in Playa Herradura, just north of Jaco, primarily the neighborhood known as Cristo Rey or "Christ the King." The baseball program has led to strong relationships with players and their families in Cristo Rey. When we enter the barrios, the players come running to the car and embrace us. We are becoming more familiar with their families and the other residents. We take time to talk with mothers and grandmothers (mamas and abuelitas), eat the tamales and other local food, introduce ourselves to the men in the streets, observe the daily activities, and do service projects with small groups of baseball players. God is providing Christian leaders in our church family ( who are fluent in Spanish and qualified to teach the Word and provide other resources. We know He wants us to have a physical presence in Cristo Rey -- a property where we can hold Bible courses and other forms of training and counseling for children and adults. For now, a local Christian named "Mateo" offered his property to us for meetings. He has a small store located at the footbridge connecting Cristo Rey to another squatter barrio called Los Parceles. Thank God for helping us find Mateo!
The vision is to present the Gospel constantly, to train up the youngest generation in Godly character, to restore the broken families in these neighborhoods, and to provide opportunities for God's people to demonstrate Christ-like service and compassion. Lord willing, Bible studies for men and women will begin in Cristo Rey in January. Please pray with us that God would reveal a sister in Christ who will lead outreach to adult women. Please pray for our Christian brother Diego Builes who has agreed to lead the men's study. He and I have engaged men who we pray will be the foundation of our first men's group. Our initial study is designed to introduce (or reintroduce) them to the Bible as God's Word and the source of all truth and guidance for life. We will give them their own Bible and require them to bring it each week. The Bibles underlying narrative of Creation, the Fall, Redemption, and Restoration will be shared and personalized, and we will challenge them to make decisions to serve Christ with their lives.
Our women's study will have a similar format. Gradually, we hope to become familiar with the residents' family circumstances to help them take responsibility and to be "broken and contrite" before God so healing and restoration can begin. We know God's design for the family is the foundation of relationships in life. Relational debris is scattered everywhere in Cristo Rey. God's answer is a call to repentance and Biblical fatherhood and motherhood. The church can support these families and even serve as a substitute family for those in need, all to the glory of our perfect Father in Heaven.
A friend and fisherman has agreed to provide fresh fish for us to distribute to each participant who concludes a 2-week study. We need $125 for a stainless steel 50-cup coffee urn and a medium-sized cooler for the fish. We also need ongoing donations for coffee, coffee filters and cups, and Bible study materials.
What next?! We are preparing to connect with the pubic schools in the area in order to explore the possibility of using their facilities after school to assist the players and their classmates with their education. In Jaco, the most effective ways for young people to increase their opportunities are to learn English, excel in their studies (tutoring and homework assistance), experience the feeling of accomplishing goals (learn a sport or musical instrument, create art, etc.), and develop marketable skills through job training and internships. Please pray that God will continue to reveal his "army" to begin staffing this vision. We have friends with educational experience in Costa Rica who are counseling us in this area.
FAMILY UPDATES. Here in Costa Rica, there is a lot to do around the holidays, including music in the parks, parades, light shows, religious services, unique restaurant experiences, and service projects. This is our first Christmas in Costa Rica. On Christmas Day, the Tico tradition is -- what else? -- to spend the entire day at the beach, which is why we'll probably head to the mountains. We'll take some friends and try to find a cool mountain stream somewhere.
A few days ago, we took several of our baseball players to a nursing home in the small community of Quebrada Ganado where we distributed small bags with candy and Bible verses. We spent time talking with the residents. The players shared their Jaco Royals team mission statement, translated as follows:
¡HASTA LUEGO! So to recap, please pray for the players, coaches, and their families for decisions for Christ and to grow in courage and wisdom. Pray for open doors into their lives and relationships so we can speak Biblical truth. Pray that the message is heard. Pray for their protection in Cristo Rey and Los Parceles. It's a hotbed of drug and prostitution activity, as well as recent kidnappings and shooting. Pray that they cry out to him for strength and peace (Isa. 41:10, John 14:27).
We hope you’ve enjoyed hearing about our life here in Jaco. Have a very Merry Christmas! As always, we want to hear from you, too. Please use the Contact page on our website to send us updates on what God is doing in your life. Let us know how we can pray for you. We want to give special thanks to our sending church, Heights Baptist, for all you do in our lives. And an added thank you to everyone God has used to move us forward this past year in so many ways. Most of all we thank God for his promise to supply all our needs (Phil. 4:19). Our Provider's grace, provision, and wisdom is always more than enough!