Greetings, friends! This is our first update from the mission field in Costa Rica! We're reminded of all those who have built into our lives over the years, particularly those who have preached, taught, mentored, and equipped us in our faith:
Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith. (Heb. 13:7)
Please explore our family's website at www.swiftsunriseinc.org to learn more about why God brought us to Jaco. Sign up to receive notifications on our Contact page.
Transition Update. Life is an adjustment in Costa Rica. Did you know geckos escape by detaching their tails. The tail wiggles for about 5 minutes. Iguanas do the same thing but on a much larger scale. Julie discovered the other day that cockroaches can fly. She let out a scream... Life here is full of many pleasant and unpleasant surprises.
We are under contract on a small condo just a block from the main street in Jaco (pronounced haw-co). Lord willing, the sale will close soon and we can move in. This will be an incredible answer to prayer. Zoe has close friends in the same community.
We get around town using our feet, our bike, our electric moped, and an occasional Uber. Cars here cost 1.5 times more than in the U.S. and there isn't much of a market. They deteriorate rapidly in the ocean air and are expensive to license and repair. We can rent a car when needed, so buying a vehicle may not be necessary. Please pray with us about this decision.
Guess what?! June is officially "learn to speak Spanish month!" Julie and Zoe are wrapping up the school year. As much as possible, we are only speaking Spanish in June. ¡Ay de mí! We have purchased a curriculum and hired a part-time tutor.
It's hot and muggy here all the time, even during a downpour, but it feels like we're acclimating. Shorts, t-shirts and sandals are the new normal...which is nice. We're making due without some of the conveniences we're accustomed to. There's a pool in the new neighborhood. That's something we've never had before.

Family Update. Since arriving in late April, we have been reconnecting with friends from the ministry base, Ocean's Edge, and others from our first trip to Jaco last year. Our church here, Horizon Church, has been a tremendous encouragement. Julie and I are blessed by the preaching. Zoe appreciates that they have children's church, AWANA, and weekly pickup volleyball.
We've been getting to know the pastor and his wife. Pastor Daniel and Sarah serve on the board of Ocean's Edge. We make new friends every week at church and meet people from all over the United States, including from Butte, Superior, and Cut Bank, Montana. It's wild considering it's not a big church and not a big town. We desperately miss you - our friends and family back home. The distance we feel is very real. We long for home, but doing things God's way is so much better. God is growing a community of believers and close friends around us here in Jaco, too.
We were privileged to spend quality time with David & Catherine Love from WorldVenture's home office in Colorado. David is director of WorldVenture's 360 Innovation program (i.e. lifestyle evangelism) and he also oversees short-term missions. Catherine trains and mentors WorldVenture’s long-term worker appointees as they prepare to serve around the world.

Ministry Update. Clear proclamation of the Gospel is the central command of the Great Commission (Matt. 28:16-20). There are many methods for fulfilling the Great Commission. Ocean's Edge equips others to reflect Christ by living a ministry lifestyle. This form of "lifestyle evangelism" means living like Christ in every area of life so others notice and are open to hearing the Gospel and making a decision for Christ.
Recognizing that an enormous amount of our time is spent in the workplace, many missionary sending agencies are adopting "business as missions" or "BAM" programs. The purpose of the new BAM Training Center at Ocean's Edge is to train new missionaries to return home or go abroad and establish businesses that transform the health of their communities (spiritual, physical, emotional, etc.). They do this through personal relationships and evangelism, strategic partnerships with Christian churches and charities, and serving the needy. We intend to train and then "send" BAM missionaries to communities where they can make the strongest impact for Christ.
Ron is diving in the deep end as Director of the new BAM program at Ocean's Edge. His first task is to open The Roasted Edge, the new onsite coffee shop that will serve as a training module. He will supervise its operation along with two other businesses, a marketing firm and a bed and breakfast. There will also be a small retail store. All of these businesses are incubators for BAM ministry.
Ocean's Edge interns and teams will work and train at the BAM property while also receiving academic instruction in BAM principles. Ron is writing curriculum and will soon begin hosting training workshops at the property. He is connecting with local government officials, the Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, and Jaco business owners.
God has accomplished so much and prepared the way for our arrival. The leadership team serving with Ron at Ocean's Edge is wonderful. Hannah Fletcher, the executive director, came to Jaco in 2003. God gave Hannah a vision for this place. She purchased a rundown 0.2 acre lot in the heart of Jaco. She has prayed big for this new BAM training center for more than a decade -- and it's finally almost a reality!
April Campbell, a WorldVenture missionary, has partnered with Hannah in building up this ministry since 2009. April has been the anchor, tirelessly giving of herself and her many talents.
Averie recently joined Ocean's Edge as director of operations after first coming to Jaco on a mission team and then completing a long-term internship. Averie is energetic and connects naturally with the teams that come and go.

Moving Forward. We are meeting so many people and giving our time freely. It's exhilarating and exhausting. We need prayer for strength, both physical and relational. Forming strong Christ-centered relationships is critical to our new ministry. We want to build relationships that last, lift others up spiritually, and serve them lovingly. Pray that we manage our time wisely, choose our words carefully, and set aside time to rest.

Currently, we are required to leave the country every 90 days, so we are returning to Montana from mid-July to mid-August. This will be our last trip to Montana for the next year. We hope to meet with all of you to renew our friendships and find out how you are doing.
Lastly, yes, we have many costs, foreseen and unforeseen. We are blessed to be able to buy the condo. We'll have a small HOA fee and no mortgage. Our most immediate needs are the Spanish language materials, the expense of leaving the country every three months, and normal day-to-day expenses. We are beginning the process of raising full-time ministry support. All staff at the ministry base are volunteer, including us. Please pray and consider partnering with our family ministry.
We know God is faithful. He will continue to provide for our needs.
God bless!
Ron, Julie & Zoe Youde
2 Timothy 4:5